LECTERN “Precept of Delator” CD
COP $ 36.000
Lectern is an Italian Death Metal quartet, one that has been around since the end of the nineties. In that time, the band has released numerous releases, among them their second full-length album: Precept of Delator.. By the numbers, Precept of Delator is an album containing nine tracks, adding up to thirty-seven minutes on fast-paced, aggressive Death Metal (exactly the way it is supposed to be).
Overall, Lectern has bypassed the very melodious approach that I often coincide with pretty much any Italian Metal band, instead favouring a more traditional Death Metal style, not unlike what I would expect from the likes of Entombed – Which, incidentally, also fits together rather well with the average running time of each track (which is around three and a halv minutes).
Precepts of Delator is riddled with songs that can best be described as energetic, near relentless and powerful – Making the album an excellent choice for fans of early nineties-era Death Metal.
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