A gloomy atmosphere is created on this release due in no small way to the fingerpicking, on which both tracks are based. In the first song "Void I - Transmutation of the Void" the fingering is totalitarian, that is the word. The chord progression changes, of course, but the fingering sounds constantly and there results that it dictates to the listener its will.
In the second "Void II - Burning Fire of Ecstasy" the situation is somewhat different, but the fingerpicking still takes a considerable part of the composition. Starting from 03:12 the fingering becomes chaotic, and the unearthly madness created by this invasion makes this song perhaps even unique. Unfortunately, this experimental passage ends quickly, the music moves to modern black metal, if I'm not mistaken, in the spirit of today's Behemoth and Watain. That's a pity.
Designating this release as "dark and atmospheric" I don't mean that the songs are slow all the way, of course: there are fast blastbeat attacks in the Mortuus Umbra music too. They don't disturb the atmosphere at all. In my opinion, the drummer takes toooo great pains to the breaks, as if he is playing in the core band. In the slow episodes especially. They, breaks, muffle the music sometimes and even break the mournful atmosphere. He (drummer) should back off I think. Or Mortuus Umbra had to do the mixing in a completely different manner. by:Colonel Para Bellum
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