CULTES DES GHOULES “Sinister, or Treading the Darker Paths” CD
COP $ 54.000
COP $ 59.000 COP $ 54.000
6 in stock
CULTES DES GHOULES should need no introduction. For the past decade and a half, this mysterious Polish entity has patiently crafted one of the most singular sounds in the black metal underground. Wholly reverential to the genre's ancient past whilst forging alien terrain all their own, simply, there's no other band around that sounds like CULTES DES GHOULES.
Häxan...Spectres Over Transylvania...Henbane...especially the utterly MASSIVE Coven: all these records roam the wildest hinterlands of the black metal imagination, and are generally held in both fear and awe by the many who've witnessed them. Each sounds unmistakably like CULTES DES GHOULES, yet each inhabits its own unique headspace. As expected in its unexpectaton, "Sinister" follows this (bent) trajectory.
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