OPHICVS “Steel Beast” Slipcase CD
COP $ 35.000
The nekro heavy metal gunslinger devil Ophicvs returns with his new album "Steel Beast". A Cybergoat Odyssey Saga of 15 Tracks infused with his signature unorthodox sonic steel. Loaded with laser and proto synths, headbanging metal and Rock'N'Roll. Only on special CD format to handle the electrifying amount of cyber steel content. Including a 12 page booklet, full color disc, and special slipcase.
ALL lethal instruments of sonic steel,
cosmic sythesizers wizardry
bitchin’ vokills
sonic steel written and recorded by
Cyborgoat Ophicvs
between 2022-2023
somewhere near Uranus.
Art and layouts by guess who?
...yep, goddamn Ophicvs!
Released by:
Mort Necrohavilum Impestis ( Tribulacion Productions ) - Colombia - info@tribulacionproductions.com
Wesley ( WP/RO Productions ) - Netherlands - darkside666satan@gmail.com
Luke Flail ( Austenitized Records ) - USA - austenitizedrecords@gmail.com
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