MANIAC BUTCHER “Barbarians” Digipak
COP $ 36.000
Subtotal: COP $ 983.000
Subtotal: COP $ 983.000
Underground Metal Label & Distro since 1990
COP $ 40.000 COP $ 36.000
Review: by Kraahl
Incredible, primitive and not really recommended for novices of the genre, unless they are already familiar with the more primitive and raw offerings of the 90's. I do, however, consider this not only worthy of standing alongside other more notorious acts/albums of the period, but I also believe it to be special in its own right. While it is certainly unrelenting and uncompromising, as the album progresses, so too do the dark- and sometimes odd- soundscapes and atmospheres, possibly leaving one at the end to really pause and perhaps reflect on the album as a whole in being a very significant Black Metal release, as I have. Regardless of its vintage, this is timeless, True Black Metal, which in all respects, I think still holds its own when compared to even the best Black Metal of today.
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